Centos 6.X的系统,或者某些精简的centos系统,默认没有whois命令。
使用yum install whois提示找不到这个包。写此文的目的是让linux新手熟悉这种情况下如何安装相应的命令。高手留步。
此时你可以使用yum search package或yum whatprovides filename来搜索相应的软件包。如:
#yum search whois
============= Matched: whois =============
jwhois.x86_64 : Internet whois/nicname client
perl-Net-Whois.noarch : Get and parse ”whois” domain data from InterNIC
perl-Net-Whois-IP.noarch : Perl extension for looking up the whois
: information for ip addresses
jakarta-commons-net.noarch : Internet protocol suite Java library
#yum whatprovides whois //此时输出的内容很多
#yum whatprovides */bin/whois*
129 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
jwhois-4.0-18.el6.x86_64 : Internet whois/nicname client
Repo : base
Matched from:
Filename : /usr/bin/whois
#yum install jwhois
Installing : jwhois-4.0-18.el6.x86_64 1/1